What our Clients Say

Don't just take our word for it, See what our clients have to say about us.
Paula Burrows, Publica: Participant on a Satori Lab bootcamp reflecting on her experience
"Many public sector bodies claim to be ‘digital’ or doing ‘digital transformation’ whereas in reality if they were exposed to the Satori Lab’s ‘Bootcamps’ and ongoing coaching support they would realise, like we did, a whole new world of opportunities to deliver truly great public services that meet the needs of our users.
I’ve been in local government for over 35 years and I have learnt more in the last 12 months than in the previous 34 years!"
David Neudegg, Managing Director, Publica Group
You've definitely added value and made us sit up and realise there are other ways of doing things. I now look at the user needs first and think about the problem I am trying to solve rather than going straight into solution mode.
Susan Crutcher, Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales
"You're not like consultants at all. You're like real people!"
Deb Bainbridge, Publica Group (a new organisation established by the Forest of Dean District Council, Cotswold District Council and West Oxfordshire District Council)
Working with Satori Lab has had a profound impact on the way we collaborate as a team and our outlook towards user centred design as an audience focussed organisation. Their culture mapping exercise was an incredibly useful tool to help us reflect on our communication channels both internally and externally, with outcomes ranging from a staff-led review of our meetings structure to improvements in the way we manage projects, wayfinding within our building and contact with partners and other stakeholders.
As a result of Jo and Esko's holistic yet light touch consultancy approach, we are proud to have become a more agile, transparent and innovative organisation, enabling us to be more efficient and responsive to our visitors' needs. Beyond their focused work with us, The Satori Lab team have had a positive long term influence, empowering us with the mindset and skills to continue to work through challenges and new ideas at a pace that works for us, and with whole organisational buy-in.Helen Davies, Arnolfini
"I spent a day with Jo and Esko on their short course Innovation Unpacked. I work in an innovation lab, but have to say a couple of the tools are now regularly used by my lab – the collaborative questioning technique, we use a large white board wall in the Lab and give the pen to the owner of the problem, then the rest of the room literally throw questions at them, it works so well! And also the root cause analysis – works particularly well if it’s a senior colleague! It’s a great day and lots of ideas will stay with you as you become more involved in the innovation world."
Vicky Green, Bromford Innovation Lab
"The unique and lasting impression Satori Lab has left on our team ultimately lies on their ability to empower individuals with 'DIY' working methods which are practicable in workplace environments without the need for further specialist consultation. We would highly recommend Satori Lab to any organisation or business ready to re-explore itself with a refreshing spirit of curiosity.
Our most recent project with Satori Lab has involved a series of 'Culture Mapping' workshops, working in-house with teams across the organisation to investigate how the organisation is really operating. Feedback from colleagues, including those self-admittedly more 'cynical' than most, has been consistently positive, and thanks to Jo and Esko's informal and discreet facilitation style we were able to apply new thinking to old problems whilst gathering plenty of food for new thought."
Helen Davies & Sarah Wight, Arnolfini
“Your input was super as always, your energy and insight really helped us move between divergent and convergent thinking to move the ideas through to pilot plans ready to incorporate into our proposal. Skilfully done, with the right amount of challenge and encouragement to help us take civic innovation to the next level in York. Couldn't have done it without you!”
Heather Niven, Innovation Lead, SCY talking about Esko's help with the Bloomberg Mayors Challenge for York
“Our Management Away-day with the Satori Lab was a real winner. Not only did we get the chance to discuss the imperative of change, but we were introduced to some practical tools that will help us take those vital first steps in the process. Enjoyable, inspiring and useful; what more could you want.”
Steve Cook, CEO, Valleys to Coast Housing
“The partnering approach we took with The Satori Lab was cost effective and worked really well. It enabled us to test out a different sort of workshop event whilst managing the risk/reward from both sides. Jo and Esko were open and flexible and this meant we could collaborate on the the planning and logistics in a way that was a departure from the norm and allowed us to host an event which would not have been possible otherwise due to tight training budgets.”
Ian Graham, York City Council referring to the co-hosting arrangement
“Thank you ... your presentation was well received by those attending, including myself, and was commented upon favourably for the different and refreshing change in the way your session was delivered”
John Thomasson of the Institute of Internal Auditors said of a one hour session on Human Resources - The Engine Room of the Organisation